Duck Derby, September 28
Fundraiser supporting our outreach
Featuring a rubber duck race, games, and a wine garden!
Join us on September 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., immediately following the Bay Head Home and School Association's annual Shark Run, for a duck derby, games and activities for the younger set, a barbecue lunch for all ages, as well as a wine garden for adults!
Our first-ever duck derby, this event aims to raise funds to support our outreach and other ministries and is open to the public. Participants who purchase a ticket will be assigned a numbered rubber duck. At the appointed time, the race officials will launch 1,000 ducks donated by Save Barnegat Bay into Scow Ditch. You can watch the action from the Memorial Garden of All Saints. Officials will determine from which bridge to launch the ducks and where to set the finish line based on the current and wind. Duck guides will be positioned in Scow Ditch to help the ducks along, as needed. Officials will collect the ducks at the finish line and announce the winners.
Prizes will be awarded to the sponsors of the winning ducks. First prize is a $75 gift card, second prize is a $50 gift card, and third prize is a $25 gift card. In addition, sponsor of the rubber duck that crosses the finish last will receive a $25 gift card. Several novelty prizes will also be awarded. Clayton Smith, our verger, is in charge of recruiting sponsors and lining up prizes.
Among the activities tentatively planned are duck tattoos and face painting, decorating rubber ducks and duck sugar cookies, and rain-gutter rubber duck races. The Rev. Kathryn King and Jo Patrone are spearheading this area, and they welcome your suggestions.
Linda and Mark Carduner (our parishioner vintners from Working Dog Winery), along with Steve Beresik, are serving as food and wine coordinators for the event. They plan to have large grills for hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, and soft drinks. A fenced-off wine garden will be open to adults where they can purchase and enjoy up to two glasses of wine.
To purchase tickets ($10 for one, $25 for three) in advance, bring cash or checks to Coffee Hour following service, or contact the Church Office.